Sunday, 29 September 2013

One Person Can Change The World
Without warning I, and many of my friends turned around and realized that our children were in Upper Sixth. In America we would say, a ‘High School Senior.’ My little girl, and many like her, those other Upper Sixth formers who she has spent the last five years with, will soon be stepping out into the rest of their life. Soon it will be time to cut the umbilical chord and let her go.

But wait there was so much we didn’t get to do or say and there is so much I have to share. “Too late” we whisper with a tear in our eye it’s time to let them go out into the world, their world. They are off to leave their mark on their world. To take their dreams and share them with anyone who will listen.

Just know that your competition will be mothers returning to work after spending the last six years at home with their children and men who have been on the unemployment line for two years, who have sent out three hundred CVs and been on a hundred and twenty nine interviews. They do not want this job because they want to be in the service industry and make a difference in someone else’s life, they want the job because they are desperate to take any job they can get, even one they will hate and leave in a week. Many of these people are beaten and jaded and have taken their dreams and stuffed then into deep dark places where not even they can see them any more.

You on the other hand, while you may not have a glowing CV or years and years of experience have one thing that they do not have; unabashed enthusiasm and a naive belief that life is a journey and not a destination to get to. I implore you to do everything in your power to retain that naïve belief that life is an amazing ride to be experienced from beginning to end and not just a pool of water that you dip your toe into every now and then to see if the temperature is just right. Just remember it only takes one person to change the world.

1 comment:

  1. Lee, this was a brilliant piece you wrote here, you have a real talent of touching someones heart and making a real connection.
