Saturday, 2 October 2010

The world is crying out to be inspired again!

We do not need more cctv cameras or another set of rules. We do not need more Nanny State governing or people telling what we can and cannot do or when we can do it, and we certainly do not need any more promises or arguments from Politicians about who was to blame and why they will be better and what they will do. Most of us are mature enough to make our own decisions now. What we need is inspiration, from leaders who believe strongly enough about the possibility that we are! We will do the rest!

When people are inspired, they will discover the what and find the how!

If you are anything like me then by now you must be wondering when the promises of the last several generations of politicians will come to fruition. It strikes me that to win an election all one needs to do is blame the last lot and say what it is that you will do. The only problem is between their backsides leaving the inauguration ball and taking their seat in the first day in office they have been bushwhacked by every special interest group and corporation on the planet. We are all tired of broken promises and promises that we know can never really happen at all, we just want to believe that something will come true and give us hope.

The problem is I believe, that as a parent we find it hard to come clean an all the promises we make to our children, why then would we believe that a leader in these difficult times could do the same with the hundreds of promises they have made in order to get into office. I am sure they all go into politics with an honest heart, but are soon beaten down by our demands.

I believe that what we really need to get us through the present down turn is inspiration! Now I am sure many of you are saying: “Nice idea Lee, but you cannot pay the bills with inspiration.” No indeed one cannot, but we also cannot pay bills with broken promises so maybe we need a shift in thinking? Maybe it is up to us to move forward and not wait for the politicians to take the lead. The thing that we need though is an inspired idea in order to achieve great things. We need to look for people who inspire us and make tears well up when we hear them speak or the hairs on the back of our neck stand on end when they talk about the things that they are inspired to do. We need to seek out those people who against all odds achieve great things, because they simply will not believe otherwise. You see, we are enough to go forward we simply need permission.

In 1961, President Kennedy made the declaration to the world that the United States of America would not only recapture the lead for the space race but they would have a man on the moon before the end of the decade. Sadly he did not live to see his inspiration come to fruition, but what he did do was galvanize a nation into thinking once more, that they could be the greatest nation in the world. It seemed like an impossible task especially given that the Russians had already taken the first step by putting Sputnik in orbit. Luckily Kennedy would not accept no as a possibility and a Nation raised it’s head once more and became an inspiration to the rest of the world. On July 21st 1969, Neil Armstrong stepped foot on the moon, inspired by the belief that President Kennedy had in the people of American to conquer the nearly impossible.

Sir Winston Churchill in WW11 inspired a small group of islands (Great Britain) to make a stand for what he believed was wrong and to take action against the rising army of Adolf Hitler. He made the statement that his fellow countrymen would rather die before they would surrender and live in tyranny. And he was right, my parents generation rose to that challenge and fought alone for a year, against what can only be considered insurmountable odds. In doing so their spirits soared and they came together as a Nation of doers taking it upon themselves to answer the call. Inspired by one mans undying commitment and love for his country. He made no promises and he broke none. He simply inspired the will of a people to become One, in a cause which was greater than their individual limitations.

He said; “We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender."

I believe our spirits are greater than the present crisis and we will overcome the petty bickering and disagreements of our politicians. There will be those among us who simply will refuse to submit to the 'stinking thinking' of the 'Nay Sayers' and rise above it to be the next generation to inspire great things from us. You may have to look a little harder to see them, but they are there.

Live passionately, ask why!

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