You Can Be Right
You Can Be Successful
(And sometimes both, but rarely)
So now what? Well, we have two choices as I see it. We can either be right or successful. Now being right does not always mean being successful, but being successful does sometimes mean that you have to let it go of being right. Let go of what ever has got you. This is not some kind of Zen trickery, don’t worry I’m not going to creep up on you by using stealth ‘warm and fuzzy.' So what am I babbling on about?
The fact is you have the right to be right. You are right if you say that the people we trusted just brought the country to it’s knees. You are right if you say that the bankers and politicians have squandered our trust and stolen from us. You are right if you believe that we are paying more and more tax for less and less return and you are most certainly right if you believe that we will be paying for this recession long into the lives of our children and possibly grandchildren.
So what’s wrong with being right!? Well...nothing unless the consequences outweigh the returns. I am going to say that the need to be right in these circumstances will quickly turn to anger and anger has a very definite way of wearing you down. Anger produces a negative way of thinking which in turn creates more anger until you become a victim. Once you are a victim you have lost the game. You get to be right but at a price. And yes, you are right when you say “That’s not fare!” But that will be discussed in another blog.
So what do you do? Well, here’s a suggestion: give yourself a short amount of time to be right and maybe a little angry, you deserve it. But then you must move on to the being successful part. And in order to be successful you must take control because believe me there is no one waiting to give you all the things you want in life. Remember the clerk who you went to see about your dream job? Well they just became unemployed and they are looking for their dream job.
Here’s one last thought on being right and having rights.
If two people are born at the same time and one has the right to a job, an education, health care and all of those things which make a life worth living, then which one of the two is born with the responsibility to give it to the other?
Be Passionate, ask why!
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